Monday, November 4, 2013

Johnny Wilson

Purpose: To demostrate and Classify the Characteristics of a chemical reaction.

Objective: to describer the difference between a physical and chemical Change.

Data Table:
Chemical Compounds:
Elements Involved:
Barium Chloride
 Ba Greenish/Yellow
Calcium Chloride
Lithium Chloride
Li  Violet 
Potassium Chloride
Sodium Chloride
Na  Orange
Strontium Chloride
Sr  Hotpink

Barium Chloride

Analysis Questions:

1.) What indicators determine that a chemical change (or reaction) has occurred?

-temperature change

-State of Matter


2.) What is emitted when a chemical change takes place in the flame test? While the flame test was occuring the Flame emitted a strong feeling of Heat that could be felt when close enough to the human body.

3.) What group, from the periodic table, do these elements exist? Alkaline earth metals.

4.) Do any two elements give the same spectrum of color? Explain why? The Sodium Chloride And the Calcium Chloride both gave off an Orange Color. This must have happened because they both contain the same kind of chemical compound within their structure.

5.) Recall what a catalyst is in a chemical reaction.  What was the catalyst in these reactions?
-A Catalyst is the means in which something starts up the chemical Reaction. In the flame test experiment the Catalyst was the Fire that was added to the gas.

-Critical Thinking: Any chemical found at a crime scene can be traced back to were it was about before it was found at the crime site. For example, the type of bullet found at a crime scene can be compared with different guns to determine which of the shown guns was made to use the bullet. If this experiment doesn't work someone can always scan the gun for finger prints. Then collect the DNA (with a swab) and do a test on it to see who the DNA Belongs to.

Video Link: Flame test Lab

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